Me: These factoid exchanges are GREAT!
Francis: Indubitably! - Wait, you agree with me?
Me: Yeah! It reminds me of my hangouts with all my OTHER brainiac friends! Our favorite topic of conversation to talk about was SCIENCE!
Francis: Ooh, I love science! Especially science about our planet and solar system! Did you know that our sister planet Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise while orbiting?
Me: Oooh, no I didn't! Does it orbit clockwise, too?
Francis: No, sorry. It orbits counterclockwise around our sun, same as all our other planets. But get this: Venus's clockwise rotation is known as Retrograde Rotation!

Me: Oooh! ...Ok, my turn! Did you know Pluto's orbit around the sun is more elliptical than any of our other planets' orbits?
Francis: Why, yes indeed! This is why Pluto is sometimes excluded from our Solar System by scientists. Some say Pluto's too small, while others say that Pluto's unique orbit is a sign that it came from someplace ELSE in space and got thrown into orbit by our sun!
Me: It's also the only ICE planet in our solar system! The rest of our planets are either big gas planets, or small terrestrial planets made of rock and metal! ...Our planet Earth is made up of mostly Iron and Oxygen.
Francis: Ah, I see you've been doing your homework in my friend Nate's activity books!
Me: Sure have! There's lots of fun facts in those books!... I think it's fun that our solar system starts with the fiery Sun, and ends with a tiny ball of Ice... Not to mention the Kuiper Belt right next to it.
Francis: Well, with these facts in our hands, we're SURE to ace today's science test!
Me: Yeah! ...Speaking of, we'd better get going so we're not late for that test!