Francis: Did you know that the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion is called a Tiglon?
Me: Really? Wow, I thought it was called a Liger!
Francis: No, that's what you call the offspring of a FEMALE tiger and a MALE lion.
Me: Oh! ...Well, I don't blame lions for wanting to mate with tigers. Tigers are the most powerful cats in the world!

Francis: But perhaps not as powerful as the venom of the Black Widow spider.
Me: Is its venom as strong as a rattlesnake?
Francis: It's fifteen TIMES as strong!
Me: Whoa! That's nuts!
Francis: You know what else is nuts? A butterfly has 12,000 eyes!
Me: Did you say 12 THOUSAND?? How?? How can you even fit 12 eyes on an insect with such a small head??
Francis: They're compound eyes, that's how! Like a fly's eyes, they're split into more vision receptors than you can count!
Me: That's cool! ...Rattlesnakes have some cool eyes, too! Heat-seeking eyes, to be exact!
Francis: Awesome! ...You know, you and I should watch Wild Kratts sometime.
Me: I agree! ...But not tonight. I have a LOT of homework to do before tomorrow.
Francis: So do I. ...Guess I better get started on it. See you tomorrow, Invisible Ring!
Me: Catch you later, Francis!