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EU Poetry 9: Fantasy Poem

For today's lesson, let's do a review. What was our first poem about?

"Was it Calvin and Hobbes?"

"No! It was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! The one about Mike Teavee!"

"Yeah! Those Oompa-loompas thought TV was bad? Try SMARTPHONES nowadays..."

"Hey! It's not OUR fault society is forcing us to use them in everything like jobs or payment plans!"

"Society's forcing us to be techno-addicts on PURPOSE! They WANT us to become mindless zombies so they can rob us blind!"

"I saw that exact same scenario on TV last night!"

Oh, DID you now? Then here's ANOTHER question for you: What is a fantasy?

"Umm... Fantasy?"

"Yeah, like elf archers and trees!"

"Yeah, like the Mighty Action Force and The Hobo movies of PoptropiCon!"

"Yeah! Magic and swordfights and stuff!"


Good answers, but there's more to Fantasy than what you saw on your TV! ...Those oompa-loompas we studied in our first poem feared that TV may ruin your understanding of a fantasy ENTIRELY, but that is not so here and now; which goes to show that EVERY poem must be taken with a grain of salt.


Yeah, THAT wonka poem we read was made back in the 60's. TV was NEW at that time, so they probably didn't HAVE any fantasy movies back then.

Yes, because fantasy movies take longer to create than fantasy poems! And with that said, here is an ancient poem of unknown origin pulled straight from a Fantasy Land exhibit:

English Poem

What do you suppose?

A bee sat on my nose.

Then what do you think?

He gave me a wink,

And said, "I beg your pardon,

I thought you were the garden!"

"You mean the bee actually TALKED?"

"And the human in question UNDERSTOOD him?"

"And this wasn't some superpower? Like humans and bees talking to each other was NORMAL?"

"Wow, I can only imagine what THAT would be like. I wonder if we could talk to flowers, too?"

Keep on imagining just like that. Because THAT is where ALL fantasies begin.


...Time's up, class! Be back next time for our final poem for this course!

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