"I can't believe it's Fall already!"
"I can't believe Poptropica's finally shutting DOWN!"
"I can. ...More specifically, the Poptropica COMPANY is shutting down, not the gaming world itself. It still lives on in Coolmath!"

Me: Thank goodness! That means I can still film for the other half of my pirate movie! …Ironically, the whole 'End of Poptropica' thing has actually made it POSSIBLE for me to come up with a plan to finish that movie project, rather than IMpossible!
Student: Hey, I didn’t see YOU there. Are you that overoptimistic Invisible Ring?
Me: Yes I am! …And I'm happy to say that a little over-optimisim was REQUIRED for my line of moviemaking!
Student: Oh, YEAH! You made that 'Battle Morale' movie! That was GREAT!
Afro Student: You LIKED it?! Oh, PLEASE! …Like ONE childish Poptropica player has any say in an international internet game!… Not unless she's a master game programmer, which she's NOT… Why, she's never even heard of Poptropica Cheats!
Kid in the back: We’re not SUPPOSED to know cheat codes for Poptropica, much less USE them! That’s CHEATING! Only Gretchen Grimlock cheats, and she’s a VILLIAN!
Student: All the OTHER top-ranked Poptropicans used cheats to beat island quests at record-high speeds. Does that make THEM villians?

Afro Student: Poptropica villians are HEROES in disguise! …And Poptropica heroes are lame!
Student: Hey! You take that back, you villian!
Afro Student: Villian is a complement, and complements give us POWER!
Student: THEN you're nothing but a HERO!
Afro Student: HOW DARE YOU??
Me: Guys, guys, please! …Poptropica’s no place for fights, so why don’t we just cool down a second and take a step back?
Kid in the back: THANK you, Invisible Ring! …You hear that, guys? THAT is the voice of reason speaking!

Megabot Guy: You’re not just the voice of reason. You’re an AWESOME guest blogger! I read ALL your blog posts on Poptropica! …when that blog was ALIVE, that is. …Anyways, they were awesome! ALL of 'em!
Megabot Gal: Yeah! I was SO SAD when those posts of yours disappeared with the Poptropica blog. But then you put guest posts on the PHB! And THOSE posts are even BETTER! Yay!
Megabot Guy: Yeah, too bad your posts aren't getting thousands of readers like they could have gotten if you got to be a PHB guest blogger in the 2010's.
Me: How COULD I have been? I never heard of guest bloggers, or even the Poptropica Help Blog ITSELF for that matter until the 2020's! I didn't even know how to BLOG until then!

Afro Student: Ooooh, that's rough, kid. You became a pro Poptropica fan too late in this world to get any real recognition.
Me: The Poptropica Creators recognized me!
Afro Student: That's true. But they're all gone now. They had to leave and let Coolmath take over our world.
Me: ...Oh well. Maybe it's for the best. For me, it would've been worse to have Reality TV island-level fame and then lose it, rather than not having it at all.
Kid in the back: Yeah… Besides, you never know. The PHB finally has a "Greatest Posts" section, and a WHOLE bunch of your posts made that list, Invisible Ring!
Me: WOOO! Nice! Maybe THAT will draw more attention to the PHB.
Student: "So will Nostalgia! …One day, a lot of people may be yearning to go back to the purehearted adventure they used to know. And your dedication to Poptropica may very well help with that!"
Me: Yeah…

(Moment of silence across the room...)

Megabot Guy: By the way, where's out teacher, Mr. McPatrick?
Megabot Gal: Dunno. I think it's another one of THOSE days where he's absent, and there's no substitute!
Afro Student: Indoor Recess! Yeeauuuh!
Student: Yeah! And a Poptropica fan club, too! WITHOUT inappropriate language for once!
Me: What?! You mean there are OTHER Fan clubs for the kid-friendly world of Poptropica that AREN'T kid-friendly?!
Kid in the back: Don't ask, Ring. Seriously! Don't go there, ok? …You'll be better off. Trust me!
