Good morning, class! Today's poem is called "Unstoppable", and-

"Omigosh! I LOVE that song!"
"Me too!"
"Not the SONG, silly! He said POEM!"
"You mean there's a poem called Unstoppable, too?"

Actually, there are many poems under the name of "Unstoppable". But this one was written by Anthony Robles in 2013, and this is how it goes...

Unstoppable, by Anthony Robles, 2013
Every soul who comes to Earth
With a leg or two at birth
Must wrestle his opponents knowing
It's not what is. It's what can be that measures worth.
Make it hard, just make it possible
And through pain, I'll not complain,
My spirit is unconquerable.
Fearless I will face each foe
For I know I am capable.
I don't care what's probable.
Through blood, sweat, and tears, I am unstoppable.
"Hey, I think I read that poem once on a poster back in High School!"
"I still like the Unstoppable song better."
"Can we please listen to that?"

Sure, what's poetry class without a little comparing and contrasting here and there? ...Here it is.
...But don't forget the poem, class. Finals week is coming, so your other classes are gonna be hard. And if you take our Unstoppable poem to heart, you might get just the motivation you need to finish strong. ...That will be all. Class dismissed!
