Once upon a time, Like the legendary Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory island, I was hard at work, trying to do the very best at what I loved here at Pop Fan Kids.
But then one day, mysterious spies snuck through my doors, with the intent to drag my name and this club dead into the ground. And never before did I experience anything quite like that.
Then at last, after much effort to fight back, I was at the end of my rope and I finally cried out, “This is terrible! I shall be RUINED!!” And I abandoned every Pop Fan Kids creation that my friends and I ever created. I shut down the online club I made on Discord, I ended my postings on the Pop Fan Kids website, and vanished completely…(more or less).
Nevertheless, months and months went by, and the website remained deserted. But all the while, Like the Wonka factory, many people would still come to visit. They’d watch and wait, wondering if anything new would come out of this website once again.
But in those months of silence, I was hard at work. I didn’t mail myself to Loompaland and secretly employ an army of Oompa-loompas, but I have been working on new Poptropica videos and guest posts; the most revolutionary ones I ever made!… But they never made it on Poptropica’s Creator’s Blog, because that blasted blog shut down before they COULD! …Talk about a bummer for a guest blogger like me... But at that moment I received a message.
…Just this morning, I got a text from the Pop Fan Kids Chat, and that’s when I realized that I can put my long-lost legendary guest posts HERE!
So, as of today, this little Poptropica post factory is starting up again, and it’ll be better than ever before! Just like Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory! …I mean, I hope it will be. I think it will.
Everybody ready for it? …Yes! Good! ON we go!