Hey, Poptropicans! It's Golden Crown. I know that I haven't been writing much lately, but still staying connected with The Poptropica Creator's Blog, I have something exciting to share!
In the "ANNOUNCING: The Winners of the Fairytale Fanfic Challenge!!" comments section, Busy Hopper made an announcement that really shook many Poptropicans:
Anyone in the Seraphim tribe, LISTEN UP... If the gossip I heard is correct, then other tribes ARE planning to secretly attack us. Really appreciate all your help in rebuilding the Seraphim. The tribes haven't been as respected and considered ever since Poptropolis disappeared, because there wasn't much meaning to the tribes anymore if we couldn't compete. Our mission is to recreate how the tribes were a big part of Poptropica before the tribal rooms. We're trying to make tribes important to Poptropica again, and the first step is turning clubhouses into tribal rooms and getting all the people of a tribe to reunite. If any willing Poptropicans voluntarily turn their clubhouse into a tribal room for their tribe, or creating their own costume with their tribe's color, that would be great. Anyone who wants to join us in rebuilding the tribal respect is welcome to do whatever they think would help.
Do you know what the Poptropica Tribes are? I got permission from Busy Hopper to quote her:
Back in the days of old Poptropica, the Poptropicans were put into tribes. There was the Nanobots, the Yellowjackets, the Wildfires, the Pathfinders, the Seraphim, the Nightcrawlers, the Flying Squid, and the Black Flags. Back then, you got to hang out in the tribal rooms, adjust your tribe on the friends page (customizable page with all your info on it), and compete on an island called the Poptropolis Games, where all the representatives of each tribe compete in simple challenges (diving, hurdles, etc.) to win glory for their tribe. Recently, almost everything related to the tribes disappeared, and people stopped caring about what tribe they were in. Tribes were a big part of Poptropica, and many players have agreed to help restore the importance of the tribes. That's why I made that first comment. To get everyone back in the spirit of supporting their tribes.
What tribe's flag do you wave? Personally, I've always been a Pathfinder.
Maybe you've been playing Poptropica for a while, and already have a tribe! If you haven't, choose one by looking at the links at the bottom of this post. If you want to be a Pathfinder, like me, come to my clubhouse and friend me! My username is SisiVince1. Dress up in your tribe's colors! I recall that Invisible Ring is a Seraphim. They're also really cool!
Poptropica also has a new addition similar to Multiverses, where you can invite people to a party room, making Poptropica Tribes more possible! (I cannot confirm this, but I believe that the developers might've come up with this idea because of our long conversation in the comments section of that post.)
Please be mindful that we are trying to bring tribes back for the purpose of rebuilding our Pop community and bringing back a wonderful Poptropica tradition, not to create conflict between tribes.
Keep on Popping on!
--Golden Crown👑
This is the best pop fan kids post ever! The tribes, the highlights, the purpose, EVERYTHING! Way to GO, Golden Crown!