...This is the name of a special club built around a game of Pai Shou, and it comes from a TV show known as "Avatar: The Last Airbender".

One of the White Lotus members known as Uncle Iro, has a passion for Pai Shou, and states that passions are important and they can help open new doors.
This is an inspiration to me as I figure out where to go with this club. Although the White Lotus Order only came from a cartoon, this is a reassurance to me that a club built around a passion for Poptropica can be possible. "Is this the order of the White Lotus?", I ask. A voice from behind the door says, "This is for members only. What's the password?"
My whole family has told me that this passion I have for Poptropica is a good thing because it has been my outlet for many new skills I have been developing. Although I'm the last Pop Fan Kids Staff member still standing, and it's way harder to plan anything without the other staff, I still believe this club can make a difference.
I'm the leader now, and when a leader has a passion to back their efforts up... well... I think that means whatever the leader is leading is going to come out great!
hey, invisible ring! gc here. Glad you're still at it and working! I'll still try to be around as much as possible!